Force Shutdown is a little application that can save time at the last minute. I usually run Windows XP on a virtual machine on my Mac for several reasons. I try applications in there and I know that no matter what, I will always be able to reinstall Windows if something happens. However, Windows is Windows. And, no matter where you install it, it is bound to crash several times in your lifetime. Sometimes, you can't shutdown a computer physically, meaning you can't press the shutdown button. The system might become unresponsive and you can't call the Task manager either. Well, that is where Force Shutdown comes into play. This little application will bypass every Windows safeguard and shut it down, so that you can resume your work with a freshly booted Windows. Force Shutdown is a great application that works great. However, I was just trying to call it up and accidentally shutdown my system. If you run the Shutdown application included in this suite, the application will shutdown your computer and won't ask you to confirm that action. So be careful. Also, whenever possible, it is recommended to shutdown a Windows PC by going to Start - Shutdown.
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